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                Since 2009,We continue to create miracles.

                About us
                Winxiangli Marketing Founded in 2009,Ten years experience in marketing industry

                Automation Marketing Worth expect

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                Winxiangli Marketing company provide marketing automation services, so that your business performance soars

                Industry leading Marketing Call Center

                Served many well-known enterprises at home and abroad

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                Winxiangli Marketing company provide Telemarketing Service

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                Contact with us

                General headquarters In Nanjing

                Address : Putong Building 2, Taixi Road Pukou district

                Tel: 400-680-6090 86-025-86901648/ 57070580

                Branch company in Beijing

                Add: The Green ground Centre Square Tongzhou in Beijing.

                Tel: 400-680-6090

                Branch company in Shanghai

                Add: No 391, Qingsong Road, Qingpu district , Shanghai.

                Tel: 400-680-609086-

                Branch company in Guangzhou

                Add: Dongying Commercial Park , Tianhe district ,Guangzhou.

                Tel: 400-680-6090 86-020-89563119

                Copyright 2009-2021 winxiang.com copyright Nanjing winxiangli advertising media Co., Ltd. 苏ICP备2020070637号